PamperPad allows you to easily find the most highly rated beauty, health and other pampering businesses near you, either with premises or mobile.Businesses on PamperPad offer a wide range of services and treatments, from hair salons and nail technicians to spas, tattoo artists, event planning and much more.
View photos and read profiles, browse services offered or check qualifications, and read reviews from previous customers.
If you like what you see, get in touch by calling or sending an enquiry to discuss or book your pampering appointment!
Add businesses to your favourites list or leave reviews of your experiences for others to read, helping to reward the best businesses for their amazing services.
Create service requests through the app – posting any specific requirements you may have – and let businesses respond, competing to offer you their tailored services at the best rates!
The PamperPad app automatically keeps all your account details, service requests, favourites and reviews in sync with, allowing you to use whichever is most convenient at the time, whether at home or out and about.